Giovanni Perego
A simple web site on some software of mine

Software - AutoIt 3

Library identifiers: in library sources, names of exported identifiers always comply the following rule. Characters starting each word of the library name, are used to determine a sign that is the prefix of exported identifier. For instance, the library named "SomeLibName", will export identifiers as "SLNOpen()", "SLNClose()", "SLN_MODULE_VER", etc.

Au3Check.au3 1.12

Description: Checks the syntax of AutoIt3 script
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Previous versions: 1.11

CmdLine.au3 1.01 (object)

Description: Methods to parse command line parameters, derived from Linux Bash

Functions description:
func CLGetOpts(const byref $def,
               byref $s, byref $s_ndx, byref $p_ndx)

Parses the next command line parameter to search for switches defined by $def.

func CLResetOpts()
Resets the command line parameters parsing and restarts from the first one. It needs to be called if parsing must re-start when changing the array that defines switches.

DebugUtil.au3 1.11 (library)

Description: Utilities for debugging

Functions description:
func DUDone()
Closes the debug window. Text is saved in temporary directory with name "$DU_FILE_NAME-hhmmss.dbg".

func DUInit(const $title = $DU_WIN_DEF_TITLE,
            const $x = $DU_WIN_DEF_X,
            const $y = $DU_WIN_DEF_Y,
            const $width = $DU_WIN_DEF_WIDTH,
            const $height = $DU_WIN_DEF_HEIGHT,
            const $delay = $DU_WIN_DELAY)

Opens a debug window using notepad.exe and setting its title or the default one; if specified, position and dimensions are set.
If another untitled notepad.exe window exists, then the script is stopped to avoid data corruption, with an error displayed in a MsgBox.

func DUPrint(const $v1,
             const $v2 = Default, const $v3 = Default,
             const $v4 = Default, const $v5 = Default,
             const $v6 = Default, const $v7 = Default,
             const $v8 = Default, const $v9 = Default)
Prints informations on all parameters passed; returns the value of the last parameter.
If DUInit has not been called, then it is called to open debug window.

func DURawPrint(const $s)
Prints a string on the debug windows in raw mode.
If DUInit has not been called, then it is called to open debug window.

func DUShowError(const $msg, $code = $DU_NO_ERROR)
Displays in a Message Box an error message and stops the execution of the script with the specified exit code or $DU_NO_ERROR if not specified.

func DUShowWarning(const $msg)
Displays in a Message Box a warning message without stopping the execution of the script.

func DUWatch(byref $val, const $name = Default)
Displays in an Input Box informations on the variable passed and, if it is a simple-value, lets the user modify it before continuing the execution of the script, otherwise the informations are displayed in a MsgBox.

IniUtil.au3 1.1 (library)

Description: Utilities for handling .ini files

Functions description:
func IUInit($name = "", $search = "")
Searches the specified name $name inside $search list of paths; if not found, @error is set. If $name includes a path, then no search but just an existence check on $name is performed. If $name includes an extension, this is substituted with ".ini".

func IUReadArrays(const $ini, const byref $def)
Reads from $ini file, values from .ini to global arrays as specified in $def; on errors, @error is set and details are returned in an array.

func IUReadVars(const $ini, const byref $def)
Prints informations on all parameters passed; returns the value of the last parameter.
If DUInit has not been called, then it is called to open debug window.

func IUWriteArrays(const $ini, const byref $def)
Writes to $ini file, values from global arrays as specified in $def; on errors, @error is set and details are returned in an array.

func IUWriteVars(const $ini, const byref $def)
Writes to $ini file, values from global variables as specified in $def; on errors, @error is set and details are returned in an array.

LogObj.au3 1.1 (abstract object)

Description: Log objects can write logs, in the Syslog format, to file or server. Priorities are defined, as RFC5424 describes, by the couple facility.severity, for Syslog mode and for file mode too.
It is possible to use many log objects at the same time, since each one is defined by a handle built by LOInit and destroyed by LODone; it is a good practice to call LODone always at the end of the script for each log object used.

Functions description:
func LODone(byref $h)
Dispose a log object, deleting its handle and closing eventual network sockets.

func LOInit($mode, $dest, $pri = Default, $dt_fmt = Default)
Initialize a log object, returning its handle; on error sets @error

func LOSyslogDT() 
Returns the current Date/Time value formatted as Syslog daemon does. This function can be passed to LOInit() function in the $dt_fmt parameter.

func LOWrite($h, $msg, $tag = Default, $pri = Default) 
Writes a message and an optional tag to the log object, using the optional priority; a line in the log has the form:
 "TimeStamp HostName ApplicationName[ProcessId]: OptionalTag: Message".

func LOWriteArray($h, $a, $pre = Default, $post = Default, $tag = Default, $pri = Default) 
Writes all the messages contained in the array $a, each one prefixed with $pre and followed by $post; see LOWrite() for the meaning of left parameters.

LogUtil.au3 1.0 (library)

Description: Utilities for log handling

Functions description:
func LURotate($log_path, $num = 10)
Rotates the log file $log_path, keeping the specified number $num of copies.
Warning: not implemented yet!

func LURenWithDate($log_path)
Renames the log file $log_path, in the same directory, using the same extension and a name build as "<CurrentName>-YYYYMMDD". Separator can be changed using related global variable.

func LURenWithDateTime($log_path)
Renames the log file $log_path, in the same directory, using the same extension and a name build as "<CurrentName>-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss". Separators can be changed using related global variables.

func LUTail($log_path, $rows = 100)
Keeps the specified number of rows $rows from the tail of the log file $log_path anche creates a copy of the original log file.

OpenIEWindow.au3 1.1

Description: Opens a IE window, setting various attributes
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Previous versions: 1.01

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